Tuesday, August 31, 2021


That probably sums it all up. Time passes, and yet it doesn't pass (it is only you and I who are passing).

IT'S HARD TO REALISE THAT I'VE BEEN HERE ALL THESE years—forty summers and monsoons and winters and Himalayan springs—because, when I look back to the time of my first coming here, it really does seem like yesterday. That probably sums it all up. Time passes, and yet it doesn't pass (it is only you and I who are passing).The story of the Ganges, from her source to the sea, from old times to new, is the story of India's civilization and culture, of the rise and fall of empires, of great and proud cities, of adventures of man..

๐‘๐ฎ๐ฌ๐ค๐ข๐ง ๐๐จ๐ง๐'๐ฌ way of bringing out elegance and extraordinary virtues in the simplest and in the most ordinary places always mesmerizes and fascinates me. May it's only his midas touch that can curve a sculpture out of a roadside pebble.

The way he paints the beauty of nature in the canvas of his words is magical and impeccable. Everytime I pick up a Ruskin Bond book pleasant scenic beauty of valleys, waterfall forest greenery and the soothing and calming picture of Nature starts playing in the back of my mind. Maybe it's the grandiose and simplicity of words that makes me feel like home and takes us to places that is devoid of cruelty and gruesome realities.

//Tิ‹ฮฑฦš ฯษพฯƒแ‚ฆฮฑแ‚ฆส…แƒง ส‚ฯ…ษฑส‚ ฮนฦš ฮฑส…ส… ฯ…ฯ. Tฮนษฑาฝ ฯฮฑส‚ส‚าฝส‚, ฮฑษณิƒ แƒงาฝฦš ฮนฦš ิƒฯƒาฝส‚ษณ'ฦš ฯฮฑส‚ส‚ (ฮนฦš ฮนส‚ ฯƒษณส…แƒง แƒงฯƒฯ… ฮฑษณิƒ I ษฏิ‹ฯƒ ฮฑษพาฝ ฯฮฑส‚ส‚ฮนษณษ ).//

๐€๐‹๐‹ ๐‘๐Ž๐€๐ƒ๐’ ๐‹๐„๐€๐ƒ๐’ ๐“๐Ž ๐†๐€๐๐†๐€
๐‘๐ฎ๐ฌ๐ค๐ข๐ง ๐๐จ๐ง๐ , is a travelogue that takes us to the valleys of Ganges, from her source to the sea, from old times to new, is the story of India's civilization and culture, of the rise and fall of empires, of great and proud cities, of adventures of man of greatness and of ordinance.

//Pาฝฯƒฯส…าฝ ฦˆฯƒษฑาฝ ฮฑษณิƒ ษ ฯƒ, ฦšิ‹าฝ ษฑฯƒฯ…ษณฦšฮฑฮนษณส‚ ษพาฝษฑฮฑฮนษณ. Mฯƒฯ…ษณฦšฮฑฮนษณส‚ ฮฑษพาฝ ฯาฝษพษฑฮฑษณาฝษณฦš ฦšิ‹ฮนษณษ ส‚ 
Tิ‹าฝแƒง ฮฑษพาฝ ส‚ฦšฯ…ษพแ‚ฆแ‚ฆฯƒษพษณ. Tิ‹าฝแƒง ษพาฝฯฯ…ส‚าฝ ฦšฯƒ ษฑฯƒส‹าฝ//

The book holds our hands and takes us to the place where the Author spent forty summers and monsoons and winters and Himalayan springs and now when he looks back to the time when he first came here, of the bygone days it really does seems to him like yesterday. He narrates us the tales of elegance and simplicity of these places taking us to the valleys of Rudraprayag, Tungnath, Badrinath and also tells us about the Temples it's stories and mystics  far away from these monotonous life giving us a the jitters of nostalgia and awakens the old soul vagabond in us, the hopeless romantic that falls in love with beauty and innocence. Ruskin Bond books are experience meant to be cherished forever.

Saturday, August 21, 2021

๐ƒ๐‘๐”๐Œ๐๐„๐€๐“๐’ ๐ˆ๐ ๐Œ๐˜ ๐„๐Œ๐๐“๐˜ ๐’๐Ž๐”๐‹ ๐›๐ฒ ๐€๐ง๐ฎ๐ซ๐š๐š๐  ๐๐ก๐š๐ญ๐ญ๐š๐œ๐ก๐š๐ซ๐ฒ๐š


I have always believed that poetry have a mysterious ways to play with the chords of our heart and how when it gets synchronises with the chaos of our heart. As we found solance in words. Pandemonium of our heart fades in the labyrinth of emotions embedded in the words by the poet.

๐ƒ๐‘๐”๐Œ๐๐„๐€๐“๐’ ๐ˆ๐ ๐Œ๐˜ ๐„๐Œ๐๐“๐˜ ๐’๐Ž๐”๐‹ ๐›๐ฒ ๐€๐ง๐ฎ๐ซ๐š๐š๐  ๐๐ก๐š๐ญ๐ญ๐š๐œ๐ก๐š๐ซ๐ฒ๐š
 is one such poetry book that talks about those scattered thoughts of our mind which when collids forms a rhythm that sometimes gives us the power to spread our tattered wings and hope , sometimes brings back the glooms and memories of demons lurking behind us in those dark pasts some of memories some of nostalgia some accomplishments.

Some poems find it's way out of the emptiness of heart when all its feelings are drained and the void created reminding us of memories and feelings unnamed and incomprehensible overcasting our beautifully soul that still tries to make noise in the vaccum.

Some poems talks about moments and makes me wonder how true it is that moments are what we are made of, moments shape our realities and when these moments are let uncontrolled will control our minds and illusion will rule over our lives. 

It talks about the dreams that we keep looked in our minds and the uncertainties of life where happiness is just a vacation also talks about bygone days and places that till tells a story and reminds us of another and griefs that now sometimes comes to our memories but leaves witha smile on our lips because now we won't be a part of the same story.

Some poems are just the reflection of our realities and our society in the disguise of words and verses that tends to give rhythm in the face of cruelty. The desire of peace and freedom but in this cruel world peace is just an illusion and freedom it's a privilege

It's not only about reading the beautiful verses but finding yourself in those powerful expression of words and feel certain emotions that got covered with dust and cobwebs

I would recommend this book to all poetry lovers who are not a beginner in this genre because to this book demands a mature mind to decipher the metaphors 

Ratings- 4.7๐ŸŒŸ

Friday, August 20, 2021

๐”๐‘๐๐€๐ ๐‚๐‡๐‘๐Ž๐๐ˆ๐‚๐‹๐„๐’ ~๐›๐ฒ ๐๐ข๐ญ๐š ๐๐š๐ฃ๐จ๐ซ๐ข๐š

~ ๐”๐‘๐๐€๐ ๐‚๐‡๐‘๐Ž๐๐ˆ๐‚๐‹๐„๐’ ~
๐›๐ฒ ๐๐ข๐ญ๐š ๐๐š๐ฃ๐จ๐ซ๐ข๐š

Urban Chronicles a graphic novel that effectively highlights the dusty areas, the thoughts that are often overlooked owning to the mundane lifestyles of the urban dwellers.
Urban Chronicles II is a collection of three stories which along with its visual representation and excellent blends of dialogues and monologue exchange craves out some important messages and moral teaching for its readers.

The fast changing and development of the world in terms of globalisation and virtual communication how often we lost the real emotional connection and communication with people living with us like a child with their parents and parents with their children and ultimately this lack of communication brings about lack of understanding and ability to comprehend eachothers feelings.

The first story is about a boy who is been kidnapped but he doesn't even wants to go back home. In the second story we see a man struggling to fulfill his parents expectations that lay on his shoulders and a story of women of three generations their dilemma and finding comfort in eachothers serenity.

Talking about parenthood and how strict disciplinary ways can be suffocating for children to emphasizing on freedom of choices is something everyone longs for. Each Story ends with an happy note where we sees how the shiniest wheels may have a little rust and darkest alleys have specks of rays and that's life amalgamation of significant and the insignificants.

Accompanied with beautiful illustrations and stories conveying messages with deep meanings each character being etched beautifully showing different dimensions of life celebrating both glooms and blooms it offers. I loved the first and the last story. The second one felt a little hapazard and usual. Overall I really enjoyed reading it. Will recommend it to everyone who wants a graphic stories that make messages easier to communicate.

Sunday, August 15, 2021

๐…๐‘๐Ž๐Œ ๐’๐‡๐€๐ƒ๐Ž๐– ๐€๐๐ƒ ๐“๐Ž ๐’๐Ž๐”๐‹๐’ ๐›๐ฒ ๐’๐š๐ณ๐ข๐ง๐š ๐Š๐ก๐š๐ง

That always pierce through half-misted dreams Amidst the hovering crowd and clouded pavements Kaleidoscope of nostalgia and living in the moments, Joy of sinking in small happy moments to times when we are drowning in gloom

//ษชษด แด›สœษช๊œฑ แด…ส€แด‡แด€ส€ส แดกแดส€สŸแด… ๊œฐแดœสŸสŸ แด๊œฐ แด…แด€ส€แด‹ษดแด‡๊œฑ๊œฑ, แด›สœแด‡ส€แด‡ สแดแดœ แดกแด‡ส€แด‡ ส™แด‡ษชษดษข แด›สœแด‡ ส€แด‡แด€๊œฑแดษด ๊œฐแดส€ แดส ษขสŸแดแดกษชษดษข ๊œฑสœแด€แด…แดแดก//

๐…๐‘๐Ž๐Œ ๐’๐‡๐€๐ƒ๐Ž๐– ๐€๐๐ƒ ๐“๐Ž ๐’๐Ž๐”๐‹๐’ ๐›๐ฒ ๐’๐š๐ณ๐ข๐ง๐š ๐Š๐ก๐š๐ง,is a book of poems that gives us the glimpses of nostalgia, deep thoughts and dilemma that froms the cornerstone of human hearts through simplicity and easy expression of words. A soulful amalgamation that tends showcase the essense of love which is the major theme of the book; love and compassion at different stages of life, filled with fair shares of both joy and griefs, exploring the ethereal echoes of human minds and hearts also giving a voice to the thoughts manifesting in the generation of millennials and elders

//๊œฑษชสŸแด‡ษดแด„แด‡ สœแด€๊œฑ แด€ สŸษช๊œฐแด‡ แด๊œฐ ษชแด›๊œฑ แดแดกษด, แดกแด€ส ส™แด‡สแดษดแด… แดกแดส€แด…๊œฑ แด›สœแด€แด› แด€ส€แด‡ ส™แดส€ษด แด€ษดแด… แด…ษชแด‡ แด›สœแด‡ษชส€ แดแดกษด แด…แด‡แด€แด›สœ; สŸษชแด ษชษดษข ษชษด แดแดแดแด‡ษดแด›๊œฑ ส™แด‡๊œฐแดส€แด‡ แด€ษดแด… แด€๊œฐแด›แด‡ส€, แดกสœแด‡ษด แด›สœแด‡ แดกแดส€แด…๊œฑ สœแด€แด แด‡ ๊œฐแด€แด…แด‡แด… แด€แดกแด€ส//

The words in this book resonates with those cornered thoughts of ours.The beautiful blend of complex emotions into simple words and the vivid picturesque that has been created using it. The multitudes of visionary with varied emotions makes us feel the essence of affection 
The poems showcases us subtle emotions thay creates unparalleled pandemonium like that of the shared concern over the passage of time and fading idealism, the death of parents and the loss of environment, while maintaining hope of wisdom yet to come

//สŸแดแดแด‹ แด€แด› แด›สœแด‡ แดแดส€ษดษชษดษข ษขสŸแดส€ส แดกสœษชสŸแด‡ แด›สœแด‡ ษดแด‡แดก แด…แด€ส แด˜แด€แดœ๊œฑแด‡๊œฑ แด›แด แดœษด๊œฐแดสŸแด… แด€ ษดแด‡แดก แด‡แด˜แดแด„สœ แด๊œฐ แดส๊œฑแด›ษชแด„ ๊œฑแด˜แด‡สŸสŸ๊œฑ แดกษชแด›สœ แด›สœแด‡ สŸษชแด›แด›สŸแด‡ ส€แด€ส แด๊œฐ สœแดแด˜แด‡, แด›สœแด€แด› Qแดœษชแด‡แด›สŸส ๊œฑแดกแด€ส๊œฑ แด›สœส€แดแดœษขสœ แด›สœแด€แด› ๊œฐสŸแดแดกษชษดษข แด…ส€แด€แด˜แด‡ส€ส//

Thoughtful lines embedded with richness of vocabulary that makes you feel the pure essence of truthful emotions along with easily comprehensive language, A beautiful book of poem that will be a perfect companion for a silent and dreamy night

แด›สœแด‡ แด„สŸแด๊œฑแด‡-แด‹ษดษชแด› ส™แดษดแด… แดกษชแด›สœษชษด แด›สœแด‡ ๊œฐแด€แดษชสŸส แด›สœแด€แด› แดแด€แด‹แด‡๊œฑ ษชแด› แด€ สœแดแดแด‡, แด…แด‡แด„แด€แด…แด‡๊œฑ สœแด€แด แด‡ แด˜แด€๊œฑ๊œฑแด‡แด… ๊œฑษชษดแด„แด‡ สแดแดœ แดแดแด แด‡แด… ษชษด สœแด‡ส€แด‡, แด›แด แด›สœษช๊œฑ สœแดแดœ๊œฑแด‡, ส™แดœแด› สแดแดœ ๊œฑแด›ษชสŸสŸ สŸแดษดษข ๊œฐแดส€ สแดแดœส€ “สœแดแดแด‡ ๊œฑแดกแด‡แด‡แด› สœแดแดแด‡

Monday, August 9, 2021

The Secret of Pulwama Fort by Author Razi

Within a few kilometres of Palamu a Professor was murdered with all the witnesses claiming it to be a work of a ghost and within a few more days another Professor gets murdered. Both the professor was working on a particular project that is traced back 350 year in the Prosperous Regin of the Great King Raja Medina. Is it really a ghost who doesn't want them to reach to the bottom of the task they want to accomplish on a Killing Spree or some bigger conspiracy is brewing?

The Secret of Pulwama Fort by Author Razi, gives us the perfect blend of Mystery, history and Chemistry too. A gripping detective mystery which also gives us yhe aura of 350 years old past and some chapters narrating us the age old prosperous history.

The book is set in Jharkhand giving us the vivid picturesque of the surroundings, specially about the region where the Qila is located. The writing style is eloquent and has a proper blend of richness. The character the plots are very well developed and well paced, I was totally engrossed to it till the end skipping my night's sleep. The plots are described in such a manner that we can vivid imagine them and feel like travelling with the characters in this quest.
Coming to the characters where we have Detective Robin Horo as our protagonist and along him there are three other musketeers of his Neil, his cousin, Babulalji, a poet and Naseem Bhai his friend. These gives me a Major Feluda Vibes , the character of Horo was witty, intelligent and all that a sufficient detective possess. The other characters also adds their own charms and glimmers to the story.
A must read for all detective and mystery lovers! Can't recommend enough.

Ratings- 5๐ŸŒŸ! (Can I give 6?)

Wednesday, August 4, 2021

๐’๐“๐€๐‘- ๐‚๐‘๐Ž๐’๐’๐„๐ƒ ๐‹๐Ž๐•๐„๐‘๐’ ๐ˆ๐ ๐“๐‡๐„ ๐๐‹๐”๐„ ๐›๐ฒ ๐‘๐š๐ฃ๐ž๐ฌ๐ก ๐“๐š๐ฅ๐ฐ๐š๐ซ

Every fairytales comes with its own share of griefs and sorrows

๐’๐“๐€๐‘- ๐‚๐‘๐Ž๐’๐’๐„๐ƒ ๐‹๐Ž๐•๐„๐‘๐’ ๐ˆ๐ ๐“๐‡๐„ ๐๐‹๐”๐„ ๐›๐ฒ ๐‘๐š๐ฃ๐ž๐ฌ๐ก ๐“๐š๐ฅ๐ฐ๐š๐ซ.
The story is taking place under waters in the Newada Sea. A fantasy tale that also gives us the glimpses of real world.The story is setting in the underwaters and revolves around Utir, a mermaid or Our female protagonist and Arj, a merman amd our male protagonist. Their adventurous spirit was the reason they first met and soon after finding eachother they realised that they are in love with eachother. 

❥But like every fairytales comes with its own share of griefs and sorrows, Their lovestory also went through certain turmoils. They meet by chance ,fell in love deeply but destiny separated them when Utir ends up getting married. In between hardship, heartbreak, agony and a pandemic brewing up in the backdrop will the meet each other? Will they reunite and prove they are indeed star crossed lovers  or will they remain separate? Read this fairytale with glimpse of reality and filled  emotions.

❥Coming to the plotline, I find the plotline well developed and the idea behind this was indeed a beautiful one. It exactly was like reading a fairytale that reminds me of Childhood.The narration was very lucid along with the use of very easy languages there were some grammatical errors though. The plot development was mesmerizing and the title was suitable with the theme of the book and the cover is absolutely beautiful.

A dreamy night, when the stars are twinkling bright in the sky,with a cup of hot chocolate indulge yourself in this beautiful book of fairytale.

Ratings- 3.8๐ŸŒŸ